Haemophilus Influenzae b - ITEST plus s.r.o. Hradec Králové - english

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Diagnostic device > Diagnostic agglutination antisera
Purpose and usage:
Antiserum HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE b is designed for the determination of  serological group of H. influenzae b from other groups of the species H. influenzae.
1. Put one drop of  the steril saline on a slide and resuspend in it  one  colony of the tested strain of H. influenzae. Rock the slide for 1 minute by circling movements. If the agglutination occurs, the tested strain is spontaneously agglutinating and it is unsuitable for following testing. If the agglutination does not occur, you can continue according to following point.
2. Put one drop of  the antiserum and resuspend in it  one  colony of the tested strain of H. influenzae.
3. Rock the slide for 1 minute by circling movements.

Reading the results and evaluation of the reaction:
Perform the  reading against dark background:
- forming of agglutinates and clearing the surrounding  liquid: +    positive reaction
- agglutinates do not form and the liquid remains turbid: -     negative reaction     
Evaluation of the results:
1. Positive reaction – tested strain of H. influenzae is serologic group b
2. Negative reaction – tested strain of H. influenzae is from other group of haemophili

1. Antiserum is protected with sodium azide. Nevertheless it is necessary to avoid its contamination during its use (you must not touch the slide with the dropper during dropping the serum!).
2. Antiserum is delivered in liquid form 1 ml or 2 ml and  is designed for laboratory use only.
3. Antiserum should be kept in a dark place at +4°C and should not be used beyond the expiration date shown on the packing.


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