Itest Optochin

for the identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae 100 discs Cat. No. DD 503 1000 discs Cat. No. DD 5031

Itest Optochin

Purpose and use

ITEST OPTOCHIN diagnostic discs are used for simple indicative differentiation of Streptococcus pneumoniae from other viridans streptococci.


The test uses the sensitivity of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains to optochin (ethylhydrocuprein hydrochloride). In contrast, viridans streptococci are highly resistant to optochin.


Inoculate the blood agar densely and uniformly with colonies of the tested strain (use a dense inoculum). Apply sterile ITEST OPTOCHIN disc. Incubate for approximately 24 hours at 37 ± 1 °C under higher CO2 tension. If the presence of large numbers of pneumococci in the clinical material is anticipated, the ITEST OPTOCHIN disc can be used for the indicative identification of S. pneumoniae even in the primary culture.

NOTE: For a better evaluation of the results, it is recommended to inoculate the blood agar with a suspension of the tested strain in saline (2–3 colonies in 2 ml of saline). After the inoculum has been aspirated and the suspension has dried (about 15 min.), apply the ITEST OPTOCHIN disc.


If an inhibition zone forms after incubation, measure its diameter:

Inhibition zone (mm) Result
≥ 14 S. pneumoniae
0 viridans streptococci other than S. pneumoniae
< 14 S. pneumoniae must be confirmed by a bile solubility test


It is recommended to use Streptococcus pneumoniae CCM 4501 strain as a positive control and Streptococcus constellatus CCM 4043 strain as a negative control for quality control of ITEST OPTOCHIN diagnostic discs. Both strains are available from the Czech Collection of Microorganisms, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Tvrdého 14, 602 00 Brno.


  1. ITEST OPTOCHIN discs are supplied in packs of 100 (Cat. No. DD 503) or 1000 (Cat. No. 5031) and are intended for in vitro use only.
  2. Keep the discs in a dark place at 2–8 °C and use by the expiry date on the label.
  3. If the primary packaging of the IVD is damaged, do not use and contact the manufacturer.
  4. Dispose of unused IVDs and empty packaging in accordance with the Waste Act No. 185/2001 Coll.


"ITEST is regularly audited by BIOPHARM without significant or critical findings, and is regularly ranked in the highest category in supplier evaluations. Exemplary long-term cooperation provides us with a guarantee of reliability and trust in the quality of services provided."


"We started our cooperation with Itest Plus s.r.o at the very beginning of its operation. For almost 30 years, we have been using laboratory services for our own purposes or for contractual testing of our customers' products. We greatly appreciate the professionalism, flexibility and reliability of the entire laboratory team. We would like to thank you for your cooperation so far and look forward to the future."

SVUS Pharma a.s.

"Ferring-Léčiva, a.s. is a company producing sterile and non-sterile medicinal products. We have been cooperating with the ITEST Plus, s.r.o. laboratory for more than 25 years, this cooperation is very valuable to us and we are very satisfied with the range of services and their implementation. The ITEST Plus company offers a wide portfolio of accredited tests, its employees are kind and helpful and respond quickly to all suggestions."

Ferring-Léčiva, a.s.

"We have been cooperating with ITEST plus s.r.o. for many years and are very satisfied with the service, quality of services and communication."

Cayman Pharma

"Itest Plus s.r.o. is for us a synonym for excellent cooperation in the field of laboratory analysis. Professional approach, excellent communication, reliability, speed and accuracy of tests are the calling card of this company and for us the main reasons why this company has been our trusted partner for more than 26 years."


"ITEST provides BIOPHARM with output control of the final product, intermediate products, input raw materials, packaging materials and microbiological monitoring of production areas. The tests are carried out within the scope of sterility and microbial safety tests in accordance with Ph.Eur. and in accordance with the valid contract."


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